Проф. Д-р Венелин Герганов - неврохирург
Начало / Професионална квалификация
Професионална квалификация
- 7th MASSIN Congress, Cartagena, Colombia, 21-23.11.2019
- WFNS Special World Congress, Beijing, China, 09-12.09.2019
- AO Spine Principles Course, Degenerative spine and tumors, Varna, Bulgaria, 18-19.04.2019
- WFNS 2019 International Meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, 21-24.03.2019
- The Third International Neurosurgery Course- Amsterdam, 14-21-04-2018
- International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery Course, Cairo, Egypt, 22-24.02.2018
- SCS курс, теоретически и практически hands-on курс по невромодулативни техники, DGNM Meeting, Düsseldorf, 11.2017
- 6th MASSIN Congress, Becici, Montenegro, 26-29.10.2017
- 3rd Congress of the SeENSS, Cluj-Napoka, Romania, 14-16.09.2017
- Hannover International Neurosurgery Congress 2017, 16-18.06.2017
- 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Intraoperative Imaging. Hannover, Germany, 23-26.02.2017
- International Neurosurgical Course, Malaga, Spain, 05-08.03.2017
- 2014-2016: Магистратура по здравен мениджмънт
- Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Neurosurgical Society, Velingrad, 10. 2016
- BAMO, 4-а годишна конференция на Българската Асоциация по Медицинска Онкология, София, 17/19.06.2016
- WFNS Course, Varna 19-21.05.2016
- International Neurosurgery Course; March 5-9, 2016, Berlin
- 5th WFNS Symposium, Tehran 16-25.04.2016
- WFNS Interim Meeting, Rome, September 08.-12.09.2015
- WiN: What is new in pediatric Neurosurgery, INI Hannover, 10-12.07.2015
- Second Congress of the SeENSS, Sarajevo October 2015
- 66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Karlsruhe, 07.-10.06. 2015
- 15th European Congress of Neurosurgery, 12-17.10.2014, Prague, Czech Republic
- Third Congress in the Danube-Carpatian Ragion, "Controversies in Neurosurgery", Joint meeting with the SeENS, 29-31 May 2014, Varna, Bulgaria
- 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie, Dresden, 1.-14. Mai 2014
- Regional Conference of the Jordanian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Dead Sea, Jordan, 7.-9.11.2013
- 1st Congress of the Southeastern European Neurosurgical Society - SEENS, Belgrade, Serbia, 31.10.-02.11.2013
- 15th WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, Seoul, S. Korea, 8.9 - 13.9.2013 г.
- Treatment Concepts of Low Grade Gliomas, Hannover Medical School, 26.06.2013 г.
- 27th International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover, 20 - 25.06.2013 г.
- 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Neurochirurgie (DGNC), Düsseldorf, 26 - 29.05.2013 г.
- Continuous Medical Education Certificate of the Aerztekammer Niederachsen, Lower Saxony, Germany; 05.04.2013 г.
- WFNS Neurosurgical Technology Meeting: Intraoperative Visualization of the Brain and its Pathologies, INI-Hannover, 8 - 9.02.2013 г.
- The 8th Annual International Neurosurgery Conference (on-line), 26 - 31.12.2012 г.
- 6th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies and 10th European Skull Base Society Congress, Brighton, UK, 16 - 19.05.2012 г.
- Posterior stabilization of the cervical spine: indications and operative outcome: Hannover Medical School, 15.06.2011 г.
- Basisprogramm zur Qualifizierung von Lehrenden der MHH, MHH Personal Akademie, 19 - 21.10.2011 г.
- 7th Black Sea Neurosurgical Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 19.11.2011 г.
- Innovative cancer therapy: New Concept Oncology GmbH, Hannover, 26.06.2011 г.
- 5th Annual Meeting of the Asian Gamma Knife Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia, 29.09 - 01.10.2011 г.
- 20. Sektionstagung Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Neurochirurgie (DGNC), Mainz, Germany, 20 - 21.04.2012 г.
- 27th International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 18 – 21.02.2012 г.
- 9th South America Congress of Neurosurgery, Congress Con de Sud, Rio de Janeiro, 12 - 15.04.2011 г.
- 26th International Courses on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 26.02 - 01.03.2011 г.
- Current treatment options of malignant gliomas. Hannover Medical School, Tumor center, 24.11.2010 г.
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the 6th Annual Neurosurgical Conference (on-line), 21 - 28.08.2010
- 25th International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 18 -25.07. 2010
- Training course Fluorescence-guided resection using Gliolan®, 12.02.2010 г.
- International Neurosurgery Congress, 10 years Anniversary INI-Hannover, Hannover, Germany, 21 - 25.07.2010 г.
- Transfusion medicine course: Hannover Medical School, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, 23 - 24.04.2010 г.
- 24th International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 20 - 24.06. 2009 г.
- 60. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Neurochirurgie (DGNC), 24 - 27.05.2009 г.
- German Medical License, Lower Saxony, Germany; 06.2009 г.
- 9th European Skull Base Society (ESBS) Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15 - 18.04.2009 г.
- 16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Schädelbasischirurgie (DGSB), Hannover, Germany, 20 – 21.11.2008 г.
- Basic and advanced radiation protection course (Strahlenschutzkurs): ÄKN Niedersaschsen ,26 - 28.09.2008 г.
- Hydrocephalus 2008, International Congress, Hannover 17 - 20.09.2008 г.
- Диплома за Специалност Неврохирургия - Германия, Medical Association of Lower Saxony, Germany; 06.2008 г.
- 23rd International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 5 - 8.07. 2008 г.
- Central movement disorders: Parkinsonism, Tremor and Dystonia: INI-Hannover, 23.04.2008 г.
- Third International Neurosurgical Conference (on-line), 15 - 16.12.2007 г.
- WFNS/AASNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum –Teleconference (Germany-Hong Kong-Qatar), Nagoya, Japan 18.11.2007 г.
- INI Master Course on Management of Vestibular Schwannomas. International educational course, INI- Hannover – Belgrade 31.10.2007 г.
- 13th European Congress of Neurosurgery, European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, Glasgow, UK, 03- 07.09.2007 г.
- 13th Winter Interim Meeting of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies and 12th AACNS, Nagoya, Japan, 20 - 23.11.2007 г.
- First MASCIN International Congress, Castle of Weitenburg, Germany, 11 - 14.08.2007 г.
- 5th International Conference on Vestibular Schwannoma and Other CPA Lesions, Barcelona, Spain, 5 - 9.06.2007 г.
- 8th Congress of the European Skull Base Society (ESBS), Prague, Czech Republic, 2 - 5.05.2007 г.
- 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesselschaft fuer Neurochirurgie (DGNC), Leipzig, Germany, 26 - 29.04.2007 г.
- 3D Ultrasound Imaging and Neuronavigation, Hands-on workshop, Inomed, Freiburg, 29 - 30.01.2007 г.
- Неврохирург към Клиниката по Неврохирургия, Александровска Болница и МБАЛ "Иван Рилски", Медицински Университет, София! 2005 – 2006 г.
- Специализация в областта на хирургията на черепната основа и модерни неврохирургични технологии, International Neuroscience Institute, Хановер, Германия, 01.06 – 01.07.2005 г.
- Диплома за специалност по неврохирургия, 01.2005 г.
- 13th World Congress of Neurological Surgery of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Marrakech, Morocco, 19 - 24.06.2005 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, Златни пясъци, 30.09 - 02.10.2004 г.
- 2nd International Meeting “Computer-assisted neurosurgery”, Münster, Germany, 25.09.2004 г.
- 22nd International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery and Hands-on Cadaver Course, INI-Hannover: 19-24.06.2004
- Специализация в областта на хирургията на черепната основа, минимално-инвазивни оперативни достъпи, International Neuroscience Institute, Хановер, Германия, 01.09 - 30.12.2003 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, Пампорово 10.2003 г.
- Bulgarian-German Symposium for minimally invasive neurosurgery and intraoperative imaging, Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.06.2003 г.
- International Interdisciplinary meeting in Otology and Neuro- Otology, Stara Zagora- Zheravna, Bulgaria, 15 - 19.05.2003 г.
- 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery, European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, Lisbon, Portugal, 07 - 12.09.2003 г.
- International Interdisciplinary meeting in Otology and Neuro- Otology, Stara Zagora, 24 - 26.05.2001 г.
- International Interdisciplinary meeting in Otology and Neuro- Otology, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 19 - 23.05.2002 г.
- World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Training Course in Romania- Bucharest, Romania, 1 - 4.05.2002 г.
- IVth International Congress on the Meningiomas and Cerebral Venous System, Istanbul, Turkey, 3 - 8.06.2002 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, Елените, 11 - 13.10.2001 г.
- Специализант към Катедра и Клиника по неврохирургия, Александровска Болница, Медицински Университет София(проф. Романски, проф. Бусарски), 2001 – 2004 г.
- Докторант по неврохирургия, Катедра по Неврохирургия, Александровска Болница, Медицински Университет София (ръководител проф. Романски), 2001 - 2004 г.
- Специализант по неврохирургия към Клиниката по Неврохирургия, Институт Пирогов, София, 1998 – 2000 г.
- 10th National Congress on plastic surgery, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 - 13.09.2000 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, Стара Загора, 27 - 29.09.2000 г.
- 5-и Национален Симпозиум по гръбначна хирургия с международно участие, Рибарица, Тетевен, 26 - 28.05.2000 г.
- Специализация в областта на невроендоскопията и ендоскоп-асистираната неврохирургия, Клиника по Неврохирургия, Университетска Болница Виена, Австрия, 01.10 - 30.12.1999 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, Пловдив, 28 - 30.09.1999 г.
- Национална неврохирургична конференция на Българското Дружество по Неврохирургия, 25 -29.10.1998 г.
- First Conference of the Macedonian Neurosurgical Society with International participation- Ohrid, 25 - 29. 05.1998 г.